DBA stands for "Doing Business As".
A DBA is sometimes referred to as a "Trade Name", "Assumed Name", or "Fictitious Name".
A DBA is not separate from its owners.
A DBA in itself does not include the liability protections of a registered Corporation.
Corporations and LLCs often file a DBA to market a separate product or service.
For businesses that have not registered as a Corporation or LLC, if there is one owner the DBA operates as a Sole Proprietorship; if there is more than one owner the DBA is classified as a General Partnership.
Owners of a DBA are responsible for all business legal obligations and taxes.
If you want to operate as a DBA you are required to register, usually in the county in which you are going to conduct business.
For example, Susan Smith Doing Business As Smith Bakery.
In some states a DBA has an expiration date.