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What is a Nonprofit Corporation?

A Nonprofit Corporation is sometimes called a Not-For-Profit Corporation.

A Nonprofit Corporation is an organization that is legally registered on the state level, usually with the Secretary of State.  While the federal government must approve the tax-exempt status of a Nonprofit Corporation, a Nonprofit Corporation is not initially registered with any US government agency.

A Nonprofit Corporation is an organization that works to serve some kind of public interest rather than to provide financial benefit to any particular individuals or entities.

Many Nonprofit Corporations have much in common with For-profit Corporations.  This includes the liability protection that comes with a legally registered Corporation.  A lot of Nonprofit Corporations hire managers and employees just like a For-profit Corporation does.  The application process for a Nonprofit Corporation is very similar to that of a For-Profit Corporation.

Contrary to popular belief, Nonprofit Corporations can and do make money.  In a Nonprofit Corporation, any profits must legally go back into the Corporation.

How can I get more information on forming a Nonprofit Corporation in a specific state?

Click on any state in the list below to find out How to Form a LLC in that state

Do I need a lawyer to Form a Non-Profit Corporation?


What are the most common types of Nonprofit Corporations?


What is the difference between a Nonprofit Corporation and a Benefit Corporation?


Who owns a Non-profit Corporation?


Can a Nonprofit Corporation make a profit?


Are all Nonprofit Corporations Tax Exempt?


What is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation?


What information does a Nonprofit need before it can apply for 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status?


Is Federal Tax Exemption the same as State Tax Exemption?


What happens when a Nonprofit Corporation wants to shut down?


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