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since 2003


What is a Corporation or LLC Annual Report?

A Corporation or LLC is formed by registering with the state agency responsible for business filings, usually the Secretary of State or Department of Treasury or some other state agency. Once a Corporation or LLC is registered, in most states, the Secretary of State or other state agency requires that certain information about the Corporation or LLC be updated on a periodic basis. Click on any state in the list below to see the Annual Report requirements for a Corporation or LLC in that state.

Most states require that Corporation or LLC information is updated each year by a specific date. Some states require an update every two years and a few states don't require any updates at all.

In most states the form that is filed with the Secretary of State or other state agency is called a Corporation or LLC Annual Report. Reports that are due every two years are usually called Biennial Reports.

How can I file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report Online?

If you are ready to file your Corporation or LLC Annual Report Online now, just choose your business type then click on any State in the list below to get information on How to File an Annual Report for that State

Are there Initial Corporation or LLC Annual Report requirements?

Some states require that a new Corporation or LLC file an Annual Report by a certain date after the Secretary of State or other state agency approves the initial filing of the Articles of Incorporation, for a Corporation, or the Articles of Organization, for a LLC. Click on any state in the list above to see the Annual Report requirements for a Corporation or LLC in that state.

What information do I need to file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report?

Basic information required for a Corporation or LLC Annual Report includes:
  • Officers and Directors or Members of the Corporation or LLC
  • Who the Corporation or LLC's Registered Agent is
  • The principal office address of the Corporation or LLC
  • The nature of the business of the Corporation or LLC

Some states require stock valuation information for Corporations and other states require the Federal Tax ID (FEIN) of the Corporation or LLC.

When you file your Corporation or LLC Annual Report you will need to have this information handy. If none of the Corporation or LLC information has changed since the last time an Annual Report was filed, you still need to file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report with the Secretary of State or other state agency by the next due date.

Do I need to file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report even if my company has not done any business?

Yes. Even if your Corporation or LLC has not done any business since the last Annual Report was filed you still need to file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report with the Secretary of State or other state agency on or before the due date.

When is a Corporation or LLC Annual Report due?

Some states have a specific calendar date by which a Corporation or LLC Annual Report is due. Other states base the due date on the anniversary date on which the Secretary of State or Other state agency first approved the Articles of Incorporation, for a Corporation, or the Articles of Organization, for a LLC. Click on any state in the list above to see the Annual Report due date requirements for a Corporation or LLC in that state.

What happens if I do not file my Corporation or LLC Annual Report on time?

Fees for filing a Corporation or LLC Annual Report vary from state to state. If you would like us to file your Corporation or LLC Annual Report, our charge is $45 in addition to any state fees. If you'd like us to file your Corporation or LLC Annual Report within two business hours of the time at which we receive your order there is an additional $35.00 fee for our Expedited Service. Our Corporation or LLC Annual Report services include no hidden fees.

Click on any state in the list above to see the Annual Report costs for a Corporation or LLC in that state; or if you would like to place an order for us to file your Corporation or LLC Annual Report online.

How much does it cost to file a Corporation or LLC Annual Report?

Most states have some kind of penalty fee for late filing of a Corporation or LLC Annual Report. In some states there is no penalty for late filing of a Corporation or LLC Annual Report.

All states have a time period past which the Corporation or LLC is suspended. When a Corporation or LLC is suspended, the Secretary of State or other state agency revokes the charter of the Corporation or LLC. When that happens it becomes illegal for the Corporation or LLC to do business in that state under the Corporation or LLC name which has been suspended.
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