DBA means "Doing Business As".
If you are an individual Sole Proprietor and want to do business under a name which is different from your legal name then you have to Register a DBA Name
in the location in which you want to use the name for business.
In some states or counties a DBA Name is called a Trade Name.
In most states you Register a DBA Name with the Secretary of State.
In other states you Register a DBA Name at the county or even the town level.
If you are a Corporation or LLC and want to do business under a name which is different from the name which was registerd with the
Secretary of State you will have to Register a DBA Name with either the Secretary of State or County Clerk's office.
We can Register a DBA Name in any state or county for you as quickly as possible.
Fess and processing times vary from state to state and county to county.
Click on your state in the list of state links above to get specific information on how to Register a DBA Name in that state.
How can I Register a DBA Name in a specific state?
Click on any state in the list below to find out How to Register a DBA Name in that state
In most states you can Register a DBA Name with the Secrertary of State or the state agency which is responsible for maintaining
business information and records.
In some states the statutes do not require that you Register a DBA Name with the Secretary of State.
In these states you can Register a DBA Name with the County Clerk or, in some cases, the Town Clerk.
Choose any state from the list of states above for specific information about Registering a DBA Name in that state
Can I register a DBA Name for a Corporation or LLC?
Yes. You can Register a DBA Name for a Corporation or LLC in any state.
Before the agency responsible for Registering DBA Names - usually the Secretary of State or County Clerk - will approve a DBA Name for a
Corporation or LLC, that Corporation or LLC must be in Good Standing with the state.
In most state you can Register a DBA Name even if you have not legally formed a Corporation or LLC.
In fact that's what most skilled craftsman and professionals do when they want to use a name other their own name.
DBA Names cannot be misleading or imply that you do something that you really don't do.
For example, if Jane Smith is a dress maker then Jane could Register a DBA Name like JS Clothiers but it would be illegal if
she Registered the DBA Name Jane's Bakery as that DBA Name implies she is doing business as a bakery and not as a dress maker.
What is the difference between Registering a DBA Name and Reserving a Company Name?
Registering a DBA Name with the Secretary of State and Reserving a Company Name with the Secretary of State are
the same.
You Register a DBA Name with the Secretary of State for an existing business.
You Reserve a Company Name with the Secretary of State for use with a business that will be formed and legally registered sometime in the future.
Registering a DBA Name with the Secetary of State is
the same as Registering a Corporation or LLC with the Secretary of State.
When you Register a Corporation or LLC with the Secretary of State there are certain tax and reporting obligations which must be met.
The requirements vary from state to state but failing to keep up with them can result in the administrative dissolution of your
Registered company by the Secretary of State.
The state fees for Registering a DBA Name are less than the fees for Registering a Corporation or LLC and there
are no tax or reporting obligation for a Registered DBA Name.
Can I get a Good Standing Certificate for my DBA Name?
No. The Secretary of State will not issue a good standing certificate (Certificate of Existence) for a Registered
DBA Name.
Good Standing Certificates are issued only for companies which have legally registered with the Secretary of State
as a Corporation, LLC or LP.
Every DBA Name Registration comes with an expiration date.
Most states allow easy re-Registration of a DBA Name.
The valid time period in which a a DBA Name Registration is valid varies from state to state and county to county.
Choose any state from the list of states above for specific information about Registering a DBA Name in that state
Can I Register a DBA Name for a Foreign Corporation or LLC?
A Foreign Corporation is a company that is registered with the Secretary of State in one state (Domestic State) and wants to legally do
business in another (Foreign) state.
The company would have to register with the Secretary of State in the Foreign state.
Most states require that the name of a Foreign Corporation or Foreign LLC be registered exactly as the name appears on the records in
the Domestic state.
If the exact name of the Corporation or LLC is not available in the Foreign state then the company has to Register a DBA Name
as part of the Foreign Registration process.