- Having your name on a Property Deed is the only legal way to show that you own or have an interest in real Property
- Without your name on a Property Deed any claim that you have to Property ownership may be found to be invalid
What is a Property Deed?
Property Deeds, sometimes called House Deeds,
are legal documents used to assign ownership of Property, which may include a House.
A Property Deed documents the names of both the old and new owners of the Property,
as well as a legal description of the Property in question.
It must be filed on the public records, notarized, and possibly witnessed.
Property transfers might be worded differently, words often used are: grant, convey, transfer, or assign.
Why do I need a Property Deed?
In their recent article on home theft, the AARP suggests to homeowners: "from time to time, check all Property
records... to ensure all documents and signatures are legitimate."
It is advisable to have a copy of your
Property Deed
for any real estate you own, for as long as the Property is yours.
Additionally, deeds can be used to establish
proof of residency with some agencies.
What does a Property Deed look like?

Property Deeds are usually 1-3 pages but may be more.
A Property Deed issued from one county usually looks nothing like Property Deeds issued from other counties.
Whatever a Property Deed looks like, all Deeds include the location and description of the Property.
All Property Deeds also include the signature of the authorizing official - usually the county clerk - and the date that the Deed was issued.
Some Property Deeds may also include the official stamp or seal of the issuing office.
What are the types of Property Deed?
There are different types of
Property Deeds, each with its own function.
Some of these are:
Grant Deeds:
A Grant Deed is used to transfer ownership of Property from one party to another.
The seller transfers the title of the Property outright to the buyer.
There is typically wording stating that the Property has not been sold to anyone else.
Quitclaim Deeds:
These are commonly used by families and divorced couples, when one party signs over their interest in the Property to the other party.
A Quitclaim Deed transfers rights in a parcel of real estate from one person to another person.
This process is separate from any mortgage agreements that may exist.
Warranty Deeds:
A Warranty Deed is used to make more specific promises, for example, that the transferor of the title is free of claims or liens on the Property.
These Deeds contain, as the name implies, a Warranty as well.
A Warranty Deed provides compensation to the person to whom the Deed is transferred if there are problems with the deal.
Deed of Trust:
A Deed of Trust provides a lender quick recourse if a loan goes into default.
Deeds of Trust usually provide for a quick, non-judicial foreclosure process.
There are also Tax Deeds, Gift Deeds, and Deeds in Lieu of Foreclosure.
How can I get a copy of my Property Deed?
You can go down to your local County Clerk's office to get a copy of your Property Deed.
But this can be - and usually is - a very time consuming and confusing process.
Sicne 2003 we've gotten thousands of Property Deeds from all across the nation.
We know who to contact and just what they need in order to get a copy of any Property Deed in the fastest possible way.
We can expedite an order for copies of any Property Deed that's been filed anywhere in the US.
Many people use our service to save time and their sanity.
With All Business Documents you just need to fill out our simple order form below. We take it from there.
Advantages of using our Property Deed service include:
- No research required
- No waiting on hold
- No waiting in line
- No driving
- No mail
- No lawyers
- No government employees
How much does it cost to get a Property Deed?
All Business Documents can get a copy of your Property Deed which was filed anywhere in the United States.
The total fee for our services is
This is the total cost for our Property Deed services.
It includes
ALL state and processing fees; and also includes all shipping and handling fees.
No Hidden Fees