What is a Dissolved Company?
If a Corporation or LLC fails to file required reports or pay its taxes on time; or if a Business does not have a Registered Agent,
that Company's right to do business could be suspended or its charter may be revoked by the Secretary of State
or the by the state Departments of Treasury or Taxation.
Different terms are used to define suspension of a company's right to do business in a specific state.
Some of these are
Administratively Dissolved,
Involuntarily Terminated, and
If a Corporation or LLC is Dissolved or Terminated; or their Business Charter has been Revoked, and the Company still wants to conduct
Business then the Company - the Corporation or LLC - will need to be Reinstated by the Secretary of State or the state
Departments of Treasury or Taxation.
Some states call the process of bringing a Business back into Good Standing Reinstatement.
Other states call the process Revival.
What causes a Business to be Administrativly Dissolved or Involuntarily Terminated?
After a Corporation or LLC initially registers with the Secretary of State, most states require Companies to file some form of report
with the Secretary of State or with the state Departments of Treasury or Taxation on a regular basis, usually yearly, sometimes biennially.
In most states, this report is required even if a Compamy has done no business in that state during the prior year.
If a registered Company does not file its required reports with the Secretary of State or the state Departments of Treasury or Taxation on time,
that Corporation or LLC is at risk.
This could result in the suspension of the Business by the Secretary of State or the state Departments of Treasury or Taxation.
A suspended Corporation or LLC cannot legally conduct Business and may not sue or defend a law suit.
Also, contracts made by a suspended Business can be voided at the option of the other party.
Most importantly, it may be a criminal act to attempt to exercise any of these functions.
When a Corporation or LLC is Adminstratively Dissolved the assets of owners - shareholders for a Corporation, Members for a LLC - may be
at risk.
An Administratively Dissolved Corporation or LLC is at risk of losing its legal liability protection.
What does it mean when a Company is not in Good Standing?
The definition of "Good Standing" varies from state to state but it usually means that a Corporation or LLC has filed all its
required reports on time and has paid all required business fees.
In some states, "Good Standing" means that the business is up to date with its tax requirements.
A Business that is not in Good Standing for a certain period of time (the time period varies from state to state)
risks being Administratively Dissolved, Involuntarily Terminated or having its Charter Revoked.
An Administratively Dissolved Corporation or LLC is at risk of losing its legal liability protection.
How much does it cost to Reinstate a Company that has been Administratively Dissolved?
The state wants to make sure they get their due.
There may be penalties.
And the penalties usually increase in proportion to the time since the Corporation or LLC was Administratively Dissolved.
Business Reinstatement costs depend on:
- The state in which the Company was Dissolved
- The type of Company which was Dissolved (Corporation, LLC, Nonprofit)
- The state in which the Company was originally registered
- The reason(s) that the Company was Dissolved
- The time since the Company was Dissolved
- Amount of back taxes owed to the state plus any interest and penalties
- If the Company is registered in more than one state
In some states expedited processing is available for an extra fee.
In some states there is no such thing as Company Reinstatement or Administrative Dissolution.
Should I Reinstate a Dissolved Company or form a new Company?
Sometimes it may make more sense to just form a new Corporation or LLC than go through the Reinstatement process.
For example, if a Company has not filed its required reports for a number of years then the costs for Reinstatement may
be much more than the cost of forming a new Corporation or LLC.
Some states will not allow a Dissolved Corporation or LLC to conduct business until the Company has paid
all outstanding fiscal requirements.
How can I get my Business Reinstated or Revived?
We can find out exactly what it will take to Reinstate your Business for
We can find out:
- If your company has been Adminisitratively Dissolved
- Exactly why your Company was Dissolved
- Exactly what needs to be done to get your Company back into Good Standing
- How much it will cost to Reinstate your Company
- How long it will take to Reinstate your Company
If you want us to process your Reinstatement with the Secretary of State we'll
credit the $29.95 to your processing fees.
If you'd like us to find out what it's going to take to get your company Reinstated and back into Good Standing just fill out
the form below.
One of our Reinstatement professionals will contact you with the details within 24 hours.
We've helped thousands of Companies get Reinstated and back into Good Standing.
We know how to get a Corporation or LLC in any state Reinstated as quickly as possible.
Questions / Comments / Special Requests
All Business Reinstatement orders are refundable minus a $25 cancellation fee,
and less any expenses incurred in processing your order. To check the status of your Business Reinstatement order, make changes, or ask any questions, call us at 855-771-2477.