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since 2003

When a Corporation or LLC decides to cease Business operations there are certain legal obligations which must be fulfilled by that Company. The Company must file a final tax return with the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and indicate on that return that it is the last return for the Company.

The Company - the Corporation or LLC - is legally required to provide specific details about the Business Closing or Business Dissolution process. IRS Form 966 is used to provide the Business Closing or Business Dissolution details which are required by the IRS. Filing requirements are described in section 6043 of the Internal Revenue Code.

IRS Form 966 must be accompanied by a Certified Copy of the formal Resolution to Dissolve the Business. IRS Form 966 must be filed within 30 days of the date on which Dissolution of the Company was formally approved by the owners - shareholders for a Corporation or Members for a LLC.

We can compile the Resolution to Dissolve a Company in any state and prepare IRS Form 966 for you as part of our Business Dissolution Services.


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