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since 2003

C Corporations and S Corporations must hold corporate and shareholder meetings, at least annually, and must keep minutes of each meeting on file.

It is the job of one of the officers, usually the secretary, to schedule the required meetings of directors and shareholders and to keep minutes of each meeting. A copy of the minutes is evidence that the meetings took place.

The minutes of each meeting must be open for inspection by any shareholder or director. This meeting requirement is often overlooked and comes into play when the corporation is challenged for any reason. Keeping proper meeting minutes and documenting resolutions made and approved by the directors is a formality that could save the corporation a lot of potential trouble. LLCs are not required to to hold director and shareholder meetings.

We can prepare minutes for any type of meeting.


All Business Documents, Inc. is not a lawyer or an accountant and provides only document filing and retrieval services under your supervision.

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