Nationwide Business Services Online
since 2003


What is a Tax Status Compliance Certificate?

A Tax Status Compliance Certificate is usually a one-page document issued by a Secretary of State or State Department of Revenue.   The Tax Status Compliance Certificate is evidence that a Corporation, LLC or Non Profit is in Good Standing with respect to any tax returns due and taxes payable to the state.

Companies often need proof that they are in Good Standing in order to obtain financing, renew licenses or enter into certain business transactions.  In order to obtain a Tax Status Compliance Certificate, a Corporation, LLC or Non Profit must be current on all tax filings and obligations.  A Tax Status Compliance Certificate will be issued only if the business is in full compliance with the Secretary of State or State Department of Revenue.

How can I get a Tax Status Compliance Certificate?

Choose your state from the list below to get more information on how to get a Tax Compliance Certificate from that state.

Are there other names for a Tax Status Compliance Certificate?

A Tax Status Compliance Certificate may be called something different in different states.  Some of the more common names are:

What Tax Status Compliance Services do you provide?

Obtaining a Tax Status Compliance Certificate can be a time consuming process.   In the twenty plus years we've been in business we have obtained thousands of Tax Status Compliance Certificates.

We will contact the appropriate State Agency as soon as we receive your order.  If there are no problems, we will get your certificate in the fastest way possible.  If there are problems, we will find out exactly how much is in arrears.  We will also find out what must be done and how long it will take to get your company back into Good Standing.

We know exactly who to contact and how to get a Tax Status Compliance Certificate in the quickest way possible.

Processing times and state fees vary.  Choose your state from the list above to get more information.
Secure Online Business Services for all States

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