What is an Alabama DBA Name?
DBA means "Doing Business As".
If you are an Individual Sole Proprietor and want to do business under a name which is different from your legal name then you have to Register a DBA Name
with the Alabama Secretary of State.
If you are a Corporation or LLC and want to do business under a name which is different from the name which is registered with the
Alabama Secretary of State then you have to Register a DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State.
In Alabama a DBA Name is called a Trade Name.
We can Register a Trade Name with the Alabama Secretary of State for you as quickly as possible.
What are other names for an Alabama DBA Name?
In Alabama a DBA Name is called a Trade Name.
Other names for an Alabama Trade Name include:
- Alabama Alternate Name
- Alabama Assumed Business Name
- Alabama Assumed Name
- Alabama Business Name
- Alabama Fictitious Name
Can I Register a DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State?
Yes. You can Register a Trade Name with the Alabama Secretary of State.
Alabama is the only state which requires that a Business filing for a DBA Name must already be using that name BEFORE applying to Register the Alabama DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State.
In Alabama a DBA Name is legally called a Trade Name.
In Alabama rights of ownership of a specific Trade Name are achieved through the common laws of adoption and usage and not through Registration of a Trade name.
Can I register an AL DBA Name for an Alabama Corporation or an Alabama LLC?
Yes. You can register an Alabama Trade Name with the AL Secretary of State for an Alabama Corporation or
an Alabama LLC.
Before an Alabama Corporation or LLC can register a DBA Name, the AL Corporation or AL LLC must be in
good standing with the Alabama Secretary of State.
If you are not sure if your Alabama Corporation or Alabama LLC is in good standing with the AL Secretary of State,
we can get you an
Alabama Good Standing Certificate
as quickly as possible.
Can I register an AL DBA Name for an individual who is not an Alabama Corporation or LLC?
Yes. You can register an Alabama Trade Name even if you have not formed an Alabama Corporation or LLC.
In fact that's what most skilled craftsman and professionals do when they want to use a business name other their own name.
What is the difference between Registering an AL DBA Name
and Reserving an AL Company Name?
Registering a DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State and Reserving a Company Name with the Alabama Secretary of State
are NOT the same.
You Register a DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State for an existing Alabama business.
You Reserve a Company Name with the Alabama Secretary of State for use with an Alabama business that will be formed and legally registered
with the AL Secretary of State sometime in the future.
Registering a DBA Name with the Alabama Secretary of State is NOT the same as legally Registering a Corporation or LLC with the
Alabama Secretary of State.
When you legally Register a Corporation or LLC with the Alabama Secretary of State there are certain tax and administrative obligations
which must be met to keep the company in Good Standing.
Failing to keep up with those obligations can result in the administrative dissolution of your
Alabama company by the Alabama Secretary of State.
The Alabama state fees for Registering a DBA Name are less than the fees for Registering a Corporation or LLC and there
are no tax or reporting obligation for a Registered Alabama DBA Name.
Register a Corporation in AL
Register a LLC in AL
Reserve a Company Name in AL
Can I get a Certificate of Good Standing for my DBA Name?
No. The Alabama Secretary of State will not issue a good standing certificate (Certificate of Existence) for a registered
Alabama Trade Name.
Alabama good standing certificates are issued only for companies which have registered with the Alabama Secretary of State
as a Corporation, LLC or LP.
If you are not sure if your Alabama Corporation or Alabama LLC is in good standing with the AL Secretary of State,
we can get you an
Alabama Good Standing Certificate
as quickly as possible.
Does an Alabama DBA Name ever expire?
You can renew the Alabama Trade Name before the expiration date if you want to retain ownership of the Alabama Trade Name.
An Alabama Trade Name Registration is valid for five years from the date on which the Alabama Trade Name was registered with the Alabama Secretary of State.
You can renew the Registration of an Alabama Trade Name before the Registration expires.
Alabama DBA Name for AL Foreign Corporation or AL Foreign LLC
If your Corporation or LLC was formed in a state other than the state of Alabama and your company name is being used by another
Alabama Corporation or LLC then you are required to register a Trade Name with the Alabama Secretary of State which is
different from the company name in your home state.
How can I Register an Alabama DBA Name?
If you are ready to Register an Alabama DBA Name now, simply fill in the
DBA Name Registration Order Form below and press the Place Order button. If you have any questions
you can call us at 855-771-2477 or
email us.